AARDMAC GROUP 401K TRUST Contribution & Employer Match

AARDMAC GROUP 401K TRUST Contribution & Employer Match

AARDMAC GROUP INC. provides the following retirement savings benefits to its employees:

2023 & 2024 401(k) contribution limits by IRS

 Pretax and roth employee contributionsEmployee and employer contributions combinedCatch-up contributions (in addition to the employee and employer combined limit, age 50 and over)
401(k) contribution limit for 2023$22,500$66,000$7,500
401(k) contribution limit for 2024$23,000$69,000$7,500

$1,440,056: this is the amount you will have saved 20 years later if you contribute the maximum of $22,500 annually for 20 years, assuming a 10%* annual return.

$4,224,165: for those who can maximize employee and employer annual $66,000 contributions for 20 years, assuming a 10%* annual return, you will be 3 times richer!

Use the 401(k) Savings Calculator to determine how much your contributions will accumulate over time.

Employer match in AARDMAC GROUP 401K TRUST

An employer match is deemed as ‘free’ money wherein your employer contributes additional funds to your allocated retirement savings plan. The matching amount can frequently be several percentage points of your compensation. Don’t avoid this free salary ‘raise’.

AARDMAC GROUP 401K TRUST Contribution & Match Policy

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