
The following are a list of financial calculators that can help you in retirement planning, portfolio allocations and simulations, investments, tax, and personal finance. 


Retirement Savings Tracker

Monitor your savings progress, get up-to-date estimated pension at retirement

Portfolio Calculator (Simulator)

Enter fund allocation and quickly get a back test result on the performance of this ‘lazy’ portfolio

Asset Allocation Calculator

Answer a few quesitons to derive asset allocation weights tailored to your investment expectation and risk tolerance

Customize Allocation Portfolios

Build a custom model portfolio using strategic or tactical asset allocation strategies, tailored to a 401(k) or a brokerage account.

Retirement Calculator

See how much you can save for retirement.

Investment Calculator

Grow your wealth and see the power of compounding

401(K) Calculator

See how much you can accumulate in a retirement plan

401(k) Withdrawal Calculator

Understand your tax liability when withdrawing from 401(k)

Backdoor Roth IRA Pro-Rata Conversion Calculator

Backdoor Roth IRA Pro-Rata Non-deductible IRA

Mega Backdoor Roth Calculator

Utilize your workplace Roth 401(k) to maximize backdoor Roth contribution

401(k) Employer Match Calculator

Help decide how much an employer match is

Social Security Benefit Claim Age Calculator

Social Security benefit claim ages calculator

Investment Fee Impact Calculator

See how the investment fee charge impacts your investment value over time

Government Pension Buyback Calculator

Decide pension buyback break-evn age and benefits

Savings Goal Calculator

Pay off debt and achieve the savings goal

Monte Carlo Retirement Simulator

Statistical simulation to evaluate retirement goal

Dollar Cost Average Calculator

See how DCA has worked on a portfolio, fund or stock

Retirement Spending Calculator

See how withdrawal rule like 4% has performed

Traditional 401(k) vs. Roth 401(k) Calculator

Save to Traditional 401(k) or Roth 401(k)?

Retirement Pension Value Calculator

See how much pension is worth

Required Minimum Distribution Calculator

Get IRS Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) annual amount & percentage

401(k) Early Withdrawal Cost Calculator

Pros and Cons of 401(k) Early Withdrawal

Simple Budget Calculator

Simple Budget Calculator for 50/30/20 Types of Rules

Dividend Calculator for Stocks, ETFs, and Mutual Funds

Calculate Dividend Income and Dividend Yields

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