Practical Advanced Portfolios
The following portfolios can be used by expert and advanced investors to substitute their stock/equity portion or just US stocks portfolio.
Global Asset Allocation Portfolios
The return data shown below all delayed by 3 months. Their latest dates are all the same: 08/30/2024.
Name | YTD Return | 1Yr AR | 3Yr AR | 5Yr AR | 10Yr Ar | 15Yr Ar | 20Yr Ar |
P Composite Momentum Scoring Global Risk Assets | 13.27% | 20.70% | 3.78% | 9.15% | 9.48% | 12.23% | 14.05% |
VT (Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund ETF Shares) | 15.28% | 22.52% | 5.57% | 12.15% | 8.84% | 9.93% | NA |
URTH (iShares MSCI World ETF) | 16.85% | 24.48% | 7.01% | 13.30% | 9.83% | NA | NA |
Advanced US Stock Portfolios
The return data shown below all delayed by 3 months. Their latest dates are all the same: 08/30/2024.
Name | YTD Return | 1Yr AR | 3Yr AR | 5Yr AR | 10Yr Ar | 15Yr Ar | 20Yr Ar |
P Composite Momentum Scoring Fidelity Select Funds | 15.80% | 16.83% | 14.16% | 19.06% | 16.27% | 15.44% | 17.51% |
P Composite Momentum Market VFINX | 20.44% | 27.65% | 9.43% | 14.85% | 12.04% | 13.92% | 12.93% |
P Composite Momentum Scoring Factor ETFs | 23.00% | 29.43% | 12.63% | 16.33% | 14.94% | 15.38% | NA |
P Composite Momentum Scoring Style ETFs | 15.26% | 22.09% | 5.36% | 11.83% | 9.68% | 13.02% | 12.78% |
SPY (SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust) | 19.34% | 26.73% | 9.22% | 15.83% | 12.87% | 14.14% | 10.58% |
Interesting Advanced Portfolios
The following are the advanced strategies and their model portfolios. These portfolios can be used as references for advanced and experienced investors.
Asset Allocation Strategies
The return data shown below all delayed by 3 months. Their latest dates are all the same: 08/30/2024.
Name | YTD Return | 1Yr AR | 3Yr AR | 5Yr AR | 10Yr Ar | 15Yr Ar | 20Yr Ar |
P Relative Strength Trend Following Six Assets | 17.06% | 13.82% | 3.38% | 8.82% | 5.46% | 7.84% | 8.63% |
P GS Global Tactical Include Emerging Market Diversified Bonds | 9.13% | 7.36% | -1.22% | 3.32% | 4.04% | 7.00% | 9.75% |
Equity/Stock Strategies
The return data shown below all delayed by 3 months. Their latest dates are all the same: 08/30/2024.
Name | YTD Return | 1Yr AR | 3Yr AR | 5Yr AR | 10Yr Ar | 15Yr Ar | 20Yr Ar |
P Momentum Scoring Style ETFs and Treasuries | 15.26% | 17.50% | 1.64% | 10.01% | 6.24% | 8.49% | 9.30% |
STS Seasonal Timing Using VFINX Total Return Bond Fund As Cash | 11.96% | 16.96% | 8.30% | 10.80% | 10.32% | 12.66% | 11.09% |
P SMA 200d VFINX Total Return Bond As Cash Monthly | 20.44% | 18.99% | 5.23% | 12.72% | 9.02% | 11.56% | 11.47% |
Fixed Income/Bond Strategies
The return data shown below all delayed by 3 months. Their latest dates are all the same: 08/30/2024.
Name | YTD Return | 1Yr AR | 3Yr AR | 5Yr AR | 10Yr Ar | 15Yr Ar | 20Yr Ar |
P Bond Funds Momentum Based on Upgrading Fixed Income Managers of the Year`s Funds Monthly | 5.56% | 9.02% | 0.71% | 2.17% | 3.35% | 5.76% | 6.58% |
P High Yield Bond Alpha VWEHX | 4.49% | 10.43% | 3.27% | 3.92% | 4.08% | 5.81% | 7.12% |
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