Bridgewater All Weather Portfolio Risk Parity
0.08%December 11 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_44684

The allocations are derived from the following target risk allocations: 

 Growth +Growth -Inflation +Inflation -Total Risk AllocationsFund
Equities6.25%  12.50%18.75%VTSMX
EM Debt Spreads6.25% 8.33% 14.58%PEBIX
Commodities6.25% 8.33% 14.58%GLD
Corporate Spreads6.25%   6.25%VWEHX
Nominal Bonds 12.50% 12.50%25.00%VBMFX
TIPS 12.50%8.33% 20.83%VIPSX

 Tgt Risk AllocationFundStd Dev (Risk)Actual Allocation %
Equities18.75%VTSMX 0.216.23%
EM Debt Spreads14.58%PEBIX 0.0714.80%
Commodities14.58%GLD 0.214.84%
Corporate Spreads6.25%VWEHX 0.059.06%
Nominal Bonds25.00%VBMFX 0.0442.30%
TIPS20.83%VIPSX 0.0722.77%
  Total Risk14.07100.00%

See Bridgewater All Weather Portfolio for more information. 

Buy and Hold (Quarterly Rebalance)
Equities VTSMX 6.2%
EMDebt PEBIX 14.8%
Commodiites GLD 4.84%
CorporateDebt VWEHX 9.06%
NominalBonds VBMFX 42.3%
Simulated from 7/18/2000

Historical Returns

The return data shown below all have the same latest date: 12/11/2024.
AR inception is since 07/18/2000.
Name YTD Return 1Yr AR 3Yr AR 5Yr AR 10Yr Ar 15Yr Ar 20Yr Ar
Bridgewater All Weather Portfolio Risk Parity 9.65% 12.48% 1.33% 3.26% 3.39% 4.04% 4.53%
VFINX (VANGUARD 500 INDEX FUND INVESTOR SHARES) 29.06% 33.28% 10.77% 15.89% 13.51% 14.07% 10.49%
VBINX (VANGUARD BALANCED INDEX FUND INVESTOR SHARES) 17.32% 18.81% 4.17% 8.44% 8.11% 9.09% 7.53%

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Rolling Returns

From 07/18/2000 to 12/11/2024, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is -2.34%.

From 07/18/2000 to 12/11/2024, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is 0.62%.

From 07/18/2000 to 12/11/2024, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is 1.41%.

Maximum Drawdown