AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN Login & Contact


You can access your account in AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN through the following providers:


  • Contact person: MELISSA CHILET
  • Phone: (570) 348-2567

A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Your Old Account in the AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN

If you have forgotten your old AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN or other similar 401(k) plan account because of various reasons including job change, you can follow the steps below to find your old 401(k) account.

1. Gather Your Information

  • Employer Details: Note the dates of employment and any contact information you have. You can also use Google or to search for what has happened to AAA NORTH PENN over the years. The company might have been merged, acquired or dissolved.
  • Personal Details: Be ready to provide your Social Security number and any other personal information that might be required to verify your identity.

2. Check Your Old Records

  • Statements: Look for old 401(k) statements that be related to AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN. These might be in your old emails, physical files, or even with a spouse or family member.
  • Tax Returns: Review past tax returns, specifically the Form 1040, to see if there were any contributions to AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN.

3. Contact Former Employers

  • HR Department: Reach out to the human resources department of AAA NORTH PENN and any possible related new company. They should be able to direct you to the plan administrator or provide details about your old 401(k).
  • Pension Plan Administrators: If you can’t reach HR, try to contact the pension plan administrator directly using the above contact information if it’s possible. They manage the 401(k) plans and can help you locate your account.

4. Use the National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits

5. Check the Department of Labor’s Abandoned Plan Database

  • Abandoned Plans: If AAA NORTH PENN went out of business, your 401(k) might have been taken over by another provider. The Department of Labor maintains a database of abandoned plans. You can search this database by employer name or plan name.

6. Search the Missing Participant Program

  • Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC): If your old 401(k) was terminated, it might have been transferred to the PBGC’s Missing Participant Program. The PBGC provides a searchable database where you can find your old account.

What to do with your old AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN?

If you manage to find your AAA NORTH PENN 401K PLAN account, you have several choices:

  • Rollover into a New 401(k) or IRA: Once you’ve found your old 401(k) accounts, consider rolling them over into your current employer’s 401(k) plan or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). This consolidation can make it easier to manage your retirement savings.
  • Evaluate Your Options: Before consolidating, compare fees, investment options, and services between your old 401(k), new 401(k), and IRA to make the best decision for your retirement goals.

Refer to our rollover tab for more information.

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