Cash Or Short Term Bond Ladder 4 Years Moderate
0.01%December 31 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_46398

Use Defined (Fixed) Maturity Funds to Build A Bond Ladder for Short Term Investment Needs:

This portfolio has a ladder of 4 rungs: each represents a year. Investors at the end of a year can either replendish the mature rung using a far out bond fund that will be mature in the 4th year in this portfolio. Or it will be simply left there without replendishing.

For the modeling purpose, this purpose will be updated every year when the first rung's bond ETF terminates.

This portfolio is of risk moderate as it invests in Corporate Investment Grade bonds.

Rung1 BSCD 25%
Rung2 BSCE 25%
Rung3 BSCF 25%
Rung4 BSCG 25%

Simulated from 6/8/2010

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Historical Return Chart

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Return Calculator

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Start date (MM/dd/yyyy)

End date   (MM/dd/yyyy)

Rolling Returns

From 06/08/2010 to 12/31/2015, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is 2.59%.

From 06/08/2010 to 12/31/2015, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is NA.

From 06/08/2010 to 12/31/2015, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is NA.

Maximum Drawdown

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