
create tactical advanced strategy

I have created a custom plan called and I would now like to create a custom advanced tactical strategy (or portfolio) using that plan but I can't figure out how to do that. Can you give me some instructions?
JimM asked · 02/01/2023
  • #1
  • Assuming you are referring to your private plan IRA ETF Funds. 

    1. Click on that plan link on your dashboard. 
    2. scroll down and click on 'Click here for more plan details and features'
    3. Now scroll down and you will see a button 'Customize A Portfolio'
    4. Once you click on it, it will pop up a window like: 

    Now you can select different strategies in Strategy Name box (pull down) and other parameters.

    Note you can also customize an advanced portfolio on our Advanced Strategies page by modifying its parameter. 

    Hope the above helps. 
    Admin · 02/03/2023 14:04:22
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