
MyPlan IQ-P Composite Momentum Scoring Global risk Assets-tactical allocation-Portfolio-ID73834

I was very impressed with your comparison of your P-Composite Momentum Scoring Global Risk Asset portfolio to other tactical funds in this week's newsletter. Would I be able to follow and get timely investing signals for this TAA portfolio with your more basic pricing plan, or would i have to pay extra for the 300 per year plan to get full TAA investing signals to be able to follow this portfolio? I do want to follow MPIQ TAA portfolios for the most part. Are all your TAA signals and investing changes sent on the first day of each calendar month? --Thanks--Robert
RBRowe7 asked · 09/14/2021
  • #1
  • For the specific portfolio you mentioned, it does require an expert subscription. However, you can follow the other all stock portfolio mentioned in the newsletter that only requires a basic subscription. This portfolio utilizes the same composite indicator and momentum scores as the expert one except it has more overall fixed weights on us stocks, REIT and international stocks. 

    All of these portfolios will receive rebalance emails after the last trading day of a month (if there is a rebalance, many months there aren’t rebalances) so that users can rebalance on the followed first trading day of next month.  Thanks.
    Admin · 09/15/2021 17:01:29
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