
Brokerage Specific Core Mutual Funds Plans: Suggestions & Opinions

Please give us feedback on our plan to phase out brokerage specific mutual plans such as Schwab OneSource Select and Fidelity Extended Fund Picks, replacing them with brokerage specific core mutual funds as discussed in our latest newsletter. See March 16, 2015: Brokerage Specific Core Mutual Fund Portfolios

Just simply reply to this question! 

Thank you. 

Admin asked · 03/17/2015
  • #1
  • Perhaps I am confusing plans, but I prefer the core list to use ETFs
    Roger · 03/17/2015 10:40:22
  • #3
  • That is a good idea
    Channing · 03/18/2015 02:30:59
  • #4
  • Both Fido and Schwab plans have pimco funds, why? I thought they should be index funds.
    TOMY · 03/18/2015 12:56:01
  • #5
  • Fidelity Core Funds portfolio shows R=3 for all funds. Were the simulations run with all R=3 or did you use the correct R values? 

    How does using R=3 compare with R=2 or R=1 (where applicable) for FF Core vs FFPicks portfolios?   Are we seeing apples and oranges?

    The Fidelity Fund Picks Fidelity Funds Only portfolio shows almost comparable AR with better Sharpe's compared to FFCore. 

    I would like to see more testing on R values and rebalance timing for these portfolios.   Testing on Monthly vs. Bimonthly vs. Quarterly rebalancing.  For instance, is it better to rebalance monthly using R=2 for all funds or is it better to rebalance bimonthly with R=1 for all funds?

    I tend to think that the FF Picks are just that.  Funds that Fido experts think will do well in the coming months based upon their analysis.  Not that they are getting a spif from the fund management.  Perhaps I am naïve.  I also tend to prefer funds over ETFs as I think (again, perhaps naively) that some managers can deliver better than an index, especially in international and EM.  The trick is to find the best managers.

    MyPlan IQ looks at a lot of funds.  Fidelity has oodles of funds in their "no transaction fee" category both Fidelity brand and other brand.  I would think MyPlan would be able to discern the best funds from all available and develop a core portfolio.  Same for Schwab etc.  The Core portfolios seem light on the number of funds per asset class.  More good funds could be added.  Would that help?  Who knows.  Let's just doing the boring thing and index.

    DanH111 · 03/18/2015 21:50:50
  • #6
  • Dealing with fund close and disappear frequently is indeed very frustrating. I had new money every now and then and couldn't get into some funds that were recommended but closed. It is also bad for tax purpose as I bet some funds can be held for a long time if it were not deleted. 

    Going for stable set of low cost funds is a middle road but based on the back testing, it is as good as those from brokerage funds. At any rate, I don't trust brokerages. 
    jcf · 03/20/2015 14:36:38
  • #7
  • The PIMCO funds in the plans are mostly 'enhanced' index funds: PIMCO has been very good at using futures for the equity index exposure while investing the majority of cash in a total return bond portfolios. So far, these funds have done better than plain vanilla index funds. Also, as they are 'index' funds, they tend not to close as frequently as actively managed funds. 
    Admin · 03/20/2015 14:40:19
  • #8
  • adrman · 03/28/2015 14:59:56
  • #9
  • Sorry, for the previous blank response.  Ghostery had an issue with your reply window.  To the issue in question, I'm in favor of moving to the brokerage specific core funds. I think it simplify matters considerably with negligible impact on performance.
    adrman · 03/28/2015 15:04:02
  • #10
  • Appears that all these Core portfolios were constructed with R=3 for all funds. Did you run the simulations with all R=3?  A number of funds can hold R=1 or R=2 if desired.

     Are you now saying that R=3 is the preferred R value for funds in portfolios in general?

    Is setting the R=3 a slightly different version of quarterly rebalancing...just fund by fund?

    What would be the results of the original brokerage portfolios ("select list type") if all funds were set to R=3?

    DanH111 · 03/31/2015 16:52:40
  • #11
  • Further to my comments above and to answer the question more directly, I am in favor of Core plans if they can show the same or better performance than the Select List-type Plans.  One would think, given their extensive experience, MyPlanIQ would be able to create Core plans that would perform very well.  However, I am not concerned that funds in the Select List-type change over time.  I would be ok with staying with those as well.  I just want the plans that perform the best.
    DanH111 · 04/01/2015 10:03:26
  • #12
  • As long as you properly vet the mutual funds to be included, initially and ongoing, I agree with you guys selecting the funds.

    There are certain funds as well as ETFs that do not belong in a trend following system due to their volatility. I have also noticed that your mythology of rating funds each month seems too over weighted on short term results.

    terrior · 04/07/2015 06:48:17
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