P Bond Funds Momentum Based on Upgrading Fixed Income Managers of the Year`s Funds Monthly
0.19%April 24 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_5520

This portfolio's candidate bond funds are the funds managed by Morningstar's fixed income managers of the year. Investors who prefer quarterly updates can look at P Bond Funds Momentum Based on Upgrading Fixed Income Managers of the Year`s Funds Quarterly

The following are the list of funds and their low minimum no load fund alternatives

  • PTTRX (low minimum PTTDX or ETF BOND)
  • TGLMX (low minimum TGMNX)
  • WATFX (low minimum WAPIX)
  • MWTRX (minimum $5000)
  • LSBDX (low minimum LSBRX)
  • DODIX (minimum $2500)
  • FPNIX (minimum $1500)
  • PBDDX (minimum $1000) -- changed to PBDAX on 6/1/2018
  • PONDX (minimum $1000) -- changed to PONAX on 6/1/2018
  • FTBFX (minimum $2500)
  • PDBZX (minimum $2500)

We also recommend using quarterly re-balance portfolio to avoid transaction charge.

For brokerage specific portfolios, please see Fixed Income Bond Fund Portfolios

Click here for comparison with other funds, portfolios or stocks

Historical Return Chart

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Return Calculator

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Start date (MM/dd/yyyy)

End date   (MM/dd/yyyy)

Rolling Returns

From 07/30/2000 to 04/24/2024, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is -0.6%.

From 07/30/2000 to 04/24/2024, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is 2.11%.

From 07/30/2000 to 04/24/2024, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is 3.64%.

Maximum Drawdown

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