P 7 Great Stocks That Wall Street Is Missing
0.32%November 29 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_33498

As an editor and writer at The Motley Fool, I encounter a lot of brilliant investing ideas. Sometimes I notice them immediately and profit. Sometimes it takes me years of hindsight and regret to finally recognize them.

I tell you this because the brilliant ideas can hide, but the truly, magnificently stupid ideas can't. They announce themselves with an unironic roar.

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Historical Return Chart

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Return Calculator

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Start date (MM/dd/yyyy)

End date   (MM/dd/yyyy)

Rolling Returns

From 04/17/2009 to 11/29/2011, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is NA.

From 04/17/2009 to 11/29/2011, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is NA.

From 04/17/2009 to 11/29/2011, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is NA.

Maximum Drawdown

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