P 10 Dividend Stocks From SeekingAlpha Readers
0.86%November 29 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_32950

10 Dividend Stocks From SeekingAlpha Readers

Comments and suggestions from Seekingalpha readers ... some listed here.

  • HPQ and ORCL as dividend stocks? The entire premise of this article is flawed. Of course diversified ETFs will outperform a group including such poor dividend stocks.
  • It would have been a better comparison with stocks like KO, PEP, PM, PG, MO, JNJ, ABT, WMT, MCD, INTC. There are your 10 dividend stocks.

    I have a portfolio of 22 dividend stocks (most of which I have owned for 5 years or longer) and not a single one is listed. That is astounding! What about MO, T, PM? JNJ? MCD?
  • I have no particular bias with the article in the sense that I am recommending one stock or the other. I was picking up a list from a website and used that as a comparison.

    I would be happy to redo it with:


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