P Vanguard 500 VBINX Sensible Withdraw 4% No Extra Withdrawal
0.10%January 08 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_76590

Historical Returns

The return data shown below all have the same latest date: 01/08/2025.
AR inception is since 12/31/1992.
Name YTD Return 1Yr AR 3Yr AR 5Yr AR 10Yr Ar 15Yr Ar 20Yr Ar
P Vanguard 500 VBINX Sensible Withdraw 4% No Extra Withdrawal 0.33% 8.43% -0.22% 3.86% 3.90% 4.65% 3.25%
VFINX (VANGUARD 500 INDEX FUND INVESTOR SHARES) 0.64% 25.78% 9.74% 14.44% 13.04% 13.59% 10.37%
VBINX (VANGUARD BALANCED INDEX FUND INVESTOR SHARES) 0.25% 11.24% 2.20% 6.03% 6.99% 8.26% 7.06%

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Rolling Returns

From 12/31/1992 to 01/08/2025, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is -11.34%.

From 12/31/1992 to 01/08/2025, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is -6.07%.

From 12/31/1992 to 01/08/2025, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is -3.43%.

Maximum Drawdown