P SMA 200d VFINX Total Return Bond As Cash Monthly
0.88%January 21 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_61056

This portfolio uses a total return bond fund portfolio P_46880 (Schwab Total Return Bond) as cash instead. See May 9, 2016: Boost Your Dull Summer Investments for more details. For a longer history portfolio that uses standard cash, see P SMA 200d VFINX Monthly.

The portfolio buys VFINX (Vanguard S&P 500 index fund) when it's total return is above its 200 days moving average and sells VFINX and buys 'cash' (in this case, P_46880 (Schwab Total Return Bond) or any other total return bond portfolio for other brokerages (see Brokerage Investors ) when its total return is below its 200 days simple moving average. It does the above adjustment on the last day of every month. 

Historical Returns

The return data shown below all delayed by 3 months. Their latest dates are all the same: 10/31/2024.
AR inception is since 01/02/2001.
Name YTD Return 1Yr AR 3Yr AR 5Yr AR 10Yr Ar 15Yr Ar 20Yr Ar
P SMA 200d VFINX Total Return Bond As Cash Monthly -2.72% 29.36% 5.00% 12.10% 9.04% 11.57% 11.30%
VFINX (VANGUARD 500 INDEX FUND INVESTOR SHARES) NA 37.82% 8.86% 15.20% 12.89% 14.04% 10.46%
VBINX (VANGUARD BALANCED INDEX FUND INVESTOR SHARES) NA 23.38% 1.77% 7.20% 7.34% 8.81% 7.32%

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Rolling Returns

From 01/02/2001 to 01/21/2025, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is 3.02%.

From 01/02/2001 to 01/21/2025, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is 4.35%.

From 01/02/2001 to 01/21/2025, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is 7.82%.

Maximum Drawdown