
Composite market indicator story and updates

Follow-on question from

When did the indicator go-live? Assuming the indicator is proprietary, how do I know I can trust the historical trades it recommends? For example, the indicator seems to say to move to treasuries just before the large COVID dip in March and then start re-buying in May. This seems great; OR did you change the indicator recently to make sure it historical performance demonstrates this desirable insight?

i.e. In Feb/Mar 2020, did the indicator (and/or associated portfolios) tell actual subscribers to sell equities and move to treasuries?
jason1365 asked · 12/17/2020
  • #1
  • The composite indicator went public live November 2019  . The indicator is based on our years of research and experience and it's essentially derived from major stock asset price momentum, sector divergence and several important economic indicators. The idea is that when economy and markets are doing well, stick to risk assets, don't rely on bond and stock relative strength. We have long used major multi-assets across risk and bonds to identify and invest in top asset classes. However, the strength of bonds is not always an indication of the weakness of stocks and other risk assets because of central bank and government ultra stimulating policies in recent years. 

    Our live portfolios did go to treasures at the beginning of March and we started to get back to stocks in early June. Stocks began fully allocated at the beginning of October. This was to our subscribers. 

    We did make another change in the indicator (by adding an important economic indicator) and the current one made full target stock allocation in June. 

    Admin · 12/18/2020 14:50:07
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