
Erroneous 1 Week Performance number

I got the 1 week performance of all the portfolios by using the "Compare" function. For the "P_Composite_Momentum_Market_VFINX it shows a 1 week return of 1.2%. Morningstar shows a 1 week return of 0.42%. Please let me know if the numbers shown on your website are erroneous for only this or all the other portfolios too.

I do have the screenshot - can provide if needed.

rptrader1 asked · 07/10/2021
  • #1
  • I believe you meant this (currently, it shows the following data)

    Portfolio Performance Comparison
    Ticker/Portfolio Name1 Week
    1Yr AR1Yr Sharpe3Yr AR3Yr Sharpe5Yr AR5Yr Sharpe10Yr AR10Yr Sharpe15Yr AR
    P Composite Momentum Market VFINX1.2%17.2%40.6%2.6918.1%1.1417.4%1.2415.0%1.0314.3%
    VFINX (Vanguard 500 Index Investor)0.4%17.2%40.6%2.6918.2%0.7517.5%0.8814.7%0.8110.7%

    *: NOT annualized

    **YTD: Year to Date

    It's of course wrong for the 1-wk return. We are investigating. But the overall 1 yr or 3 month etc. are the same as VFINX. It does happen to many portfolios. So for now, there is a problem for 1 week return. 
    Admin · 07/12/2021 14:24:03
  • #2
  • Here is the update on the issue: it's caused by the July 4th (July 5th off) holiday. Somehow, our calculation of 1wk return in a portfolio was off, it used July 1st. close return. i.e. our 1 wk calculation is really last 5 trading days. We'll work on this to fix it. 

    On the other hand, the actual simulation and other calculation are all correct. 

    Thank you for pointing this out. 
    Admin · 07/13/2021 14:44:07
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