CMG Defensive Beta Fund 2012 Dividend Picks
1.10%April 22 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_36356

CMG Defensive Beta Fund 2012 Dividend Picks

Gregg Greenberg of StockPikr picks up on Oliver Pursche, co-portfolio manager of GMG Defensive Beta Fund (MPDAX).

Oliver says, "No one is saying you shouldn't own growth stocks. The point is that dividends are a key component of total return, so investing in high-quality, high dividend paying stocks that also have growth characteristics should do very well in 2012, just like it did in 2011."

His three picks for 2012 are:

  • McDonald's(MCD)
  • Intel(INTC)
  • Royal Dutch Shell (RDS-A),

MaDonald's and Intel have been featured a great deal recently but Shell is a less frequent visitor in the spotlight.

We have reviewed other sets of three equity selections and it will be interesting to see how this one performs. All of these are strong companies with worldwide markets and they have strong dividend performance.

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From 07/22/2005 to 04/22/2024, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is 0.65%.

From 07/22/2005 to 04/22/2024, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is 6.57%.

From 07/22/2005 to 04/22/2024, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is 7.45%.

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