3 Stocks Owned By a Fool
0.34%June 28 | MyPlanIQ portfolio symbol P_35359

of the Motley Fool offers three stocks in his personal brokerage account. He is not alone with his recommendations because all three stocks are owned and recommended by Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio, the Fool's real-money investing service.

His selections:

  • Bridgepoint Education (NYSE: BPI) is an online, for-profit educator
  • Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B) needs no introduction
  • Retail Opportunity Investments (Nasdaq: ROIC) buys up and turns around distressed commercial West Coast real estate

This gives you one stock in a potentially growing market (education) as existing providers are straining at the seams and people look for new solutions. There is a solid investment with Berkshire Hathaway and an interesting real estate place. Three stocks is a very small selection but worth comparing with our ETF benchmark of  a balanced portfolio of Dividend producing ETFs.

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Rolling Returns

From 01/01/2010 to 06/28/2019, the worst annualized return of 3-year rolling returns is 1.61%.

From 01/01/2010 to 06/28/2019, the worst annualized return of 5-year rolling returns is 3.08%.

From 01/01/2010 to 06/28/2019, the worst annualized return of 10-year rolling returns is NA.

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