Strategic or Tactical?

Strategic portfolios are diversified portfolios whose target allocations in stocks and bonds are not changed often. MyPlanIQ uses secular economic trends and asset behaviors to decide optimal target allocations. These portfolios are then rebalanced periodically (monthly or quarterly). Strategic portfolios are suited for long term investors who can withstand big loss in a portfolio in a severe market downturn. They are also in general more tax efficient.

In a tactical portfolio, both stock and bond allocations and fund choices are dynamically chosen based on momentum of assets and funds. When stocks are experiencing weakness, the portfolio might reduce its exposure in stocks. However, the portfolio will never allocate more than its target allocation in stocks. In a moderate risk portfolio, the target allocation in stocks will not exceed 60%. Tactical portfolios are suited for investors who are very concerned about big loss or drawdown in their accounts. They are less tax efficient and best used in a tax deferred account such as an IRA.

Want to read more? See our ebook on this topic.

MyPlanIQ Brokerage Investor Fidelity Investors
General Purpose Portfolios
These portfolios are for investors of all ages. You can customize a portfolio with your personal risk profile.

ETF Investors Click to close

The following portfolios are of moderate risk (60% or less in stocks). They invest in Fidelity commission free ETFs. These ETFs can be traded in Fidelity commission free. See Fidelity Commission Free ETFs.

You can choose a tactical or strategic portfolio to customize. Help me to choose a tactical or strategic?

Asset Allocation Composite(AAC) Model Portfolio

1Wk Return YTD Return 1Yr AR* 3Yr AR* 5Yr AR* 10Yr AR* 15Yr AR*
TAA 60% Stocks/40% Bonds Vanguard Balance
AR: Annualized Return
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No Load No Transaction Fee Mutual Fund Investors Click to close

The following portfolios are of moderate risk (60% or less in stocks). They invest in no load and no transaction fee mutual funds from a list called Fidelity Core Mutual Funds maintained by MyPlanIQ. See Fidelity Core Mutual Funds.

In general, once a fund is purchased in Fidelity, you are required to hold it for at least certain days. In Fidelity, most funds have 60 days minimum holding requirement. In MyPlanIQ, our portfolios do not violate minimum holding period requirement. But you need to customize a new model portfolio to follow in your Fidelity account to make sure you are in sync with the model portfolio.

You can choose a tactical or strategic portfolio to customize. Help me to choose a tactical or strategic?

Asset Allocation Composite(AAC) Model Portfolio

1Wk Return YTD Return 1Yr AR* 3Yr AR* 5Yr AR* 10Yr AR* 15Yr AR*
TAA 60% Stocks/40% Bonds Vanguard Balance
AR: Annualized Return
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Fidelity Advisor Mutual Fund Investors Click to close

The following portfolios are of moderate risk (60% or less in stocks). They invest in Fidelity Advisor mutual funds. If you open an investment account such as SEP-IRA account on Fidelity platform through an advisor, your account can invest in these Fidelity Advisor funds. Funds in this plan are a subset of Fidelity Advisor share class A funds, selected by MyPlanIQ. Your account might be managed by the advisor or by yourself. See Fidelity Advisor Funds Select Class A Plan. Note that if you use other class shares other than A shares, you should find the corresponding share class funds instead.

In general, Fidelity allows you to exchange Fidelity own funds once a month. These funds thus have minimum holding periods 30 days. In MyPlanIQ, our portfolios do not violate minimum holding period requirement. But you need to customize a new model portfolio to follow in your Fidelity account to make sure you are in sync with the model portfolio.

You can choose a tactical or strategic portfolio to customize. Help me to choose a tactical or strategic?

Asset Allocation Composite(AAC) Model Portfolio

1Wk Return YTD Return 1Yr AR* 3Yr AR* 5Yr AR* 10Yr AR* 15Yr AR*
TAA 60% Stocks/40% Bonds Vanguard Balance
AR: Annualized Return
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Fidelity bond fund portfolio for fixed income investors

The following portfolio is for fixed income and conservative investors such as retirees. You can also use this portfolio for short term investments (at least 1 year, or to be safe, at least 2 years to 5 years). They are customized specifically for Fidelity. They only use no load and no transaction fee low minimum requirement funds available in Fidelity.

These portfolios select one or two top performing funds each month. However, a fund will not be sold until it has been held for at least its minimum holding period.

Fidelity Bond Fund Portfolio Performance Comparison

Portfolio Wizard
Fidelity conservative allocation portfolio

The following portfolio is for conservative investors such as retirees. You can also use this portfolio for short term investments (3-7 years). It is customized specifically for Fidelity. They only use no load and no transaction fee low minimum requirement funds available in Fidelity.

These portfolios select one or two top performing funds each month. However, a fund will not be sold until it has been held for at least its minimum holding period.

Fidelity Conservative Allocation Performance Comparison

Portfolio Wizard

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